Sunday, October 10, 2010


eternal life, Immortality. why do so many people want to live forever? I tell you I sure don't! that would be way too boring. especially if you were always getting older. Think, all of your friends would die and you'd be left alone. I personally don't get why you would want that. I hope that I don't live forever. For me that would be hell. even after I die I don't want to live forever in some afterlife. that seems like it would be boring too! Depending on what you believe, supposedly everyone will be perfect in heaven. If everyone is perfect than what are we going to do? there will be nothing to pass the time, no arguments or trouble to get into....boring! Typically religions are about how you get to the afterlife and what is going to happen there. but if I don't want to live forever in an afterlife what am I supposed to do? and who knows maybe my mind will have changed by that time. All I want to do is be able to say goodbye to all my friends and family then simply poof into nothing-ness, knowing that I've had a good life and helped others to have a good one as well.

anyways, just a thought


  1. people would bicker about how perfect they are tho~

  2. Anyone that wants to live forever, is crazy. Because seriously? What in this world is possibly worth living forever for? Though, I guess I am not anyone that should give opinions about living. (Given my past and all..) But even if this wasn't coming from some downer kid, I really do not think living forever would ever be good. :/

  3. i agree with you Kaitlyn, and i'm certainly not a downer kid

  4. neither am i, but i kinda used to be.. but we aren't ever going to converse about that. mmkay? :)
