Saturday, July 28, 2012

All Growed Up

Well it's been quite some time since my birthday, but I've been too busy to write until now. Rather than bragging about the things I did for my birthday (which was actually mostly just sitting around) I've decided instead to write about a few of the things I've learned in my 18 years of existence. 
I've learned many things, and probably forgotten even more. I've learned that money doesn't matter. It is nice and even necessary to have, but I don't feel that it brings lasting happiness. I've also learned many things about myself! I don't know how, but I always find myself surprising myself if that makes sense. I've learned that you should follow your dreams. Forget everything that stands in your way, just go for it! Even if it doesn't end up turning out how you imagine, you will always learn something from the adventure, even if it is small. I've learned through my travels and investigations of the world, that boy, I sure don't have anything to complain about! I've certainly had my rough patches, but by far I've led a blessed life. But most of all, I've begun to learn that people are most important! Slowly I have realized that it isn't material possessions that make me happy, it is my interactions with people.  People are part of the key to happiness. There's really nothing better than just hanging out with friends, having a good time, or giving someone that's feeling down a giant hug. There's just so much joy to be had in helping other people out. Creating new bonds, hearing people tell the tales of their life. I think you'd be surprised at how much you can find in common with someone, even if you've just barely met them. You can lose everything you have, but friendships can be made for life. Whether we notice it or not, people influence the decisions we make in life too. Anyways I believe that relationships with friends, family, lovers, teachers, and even strangers are more important than anything you could ever own.

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