Sunday, November 27, 2011

what can I say?

no really. what can I say? I was going to write about something. But now I've forgotten. Oh well. Wait Wait Wait! it's coming back to me. Ok got it.

I haven't written in a while. quite a shame. But I haven't been in much of a writing mood/nothing super duper exciting has been going on. So I suppose I will tell some mini stories. Thanksgiving week. Usually a fun week. But this time around it was terribly unexciting. I worked every night during the break except Thursday. Which is good I guess, makin money and all that jazz. which leads to story number one. Wednesday It was kind of slow. So I decided to refill the chalk balls. A few minutes into doing that, I realized how crazy it looked. I was down on the floor behind the desk, with a big black bin, from which I was scooping fine white powder out of a plastic bag with a spoon. And then dumping it in the small empty cloth chalk balls. Nope. Definitely didn't look like I was a drug dealer or anything. At one point this guy was giving me a weird look. I said to him "don't worrry. Just trying to generate some more revenue." fortunately he knew I was joking...I think.
Thanksgiving day itself was nothing exciting. Actually really boring. We got together with pretty much all of our extended family on the Knapp side for food and festivities. A few of my cousins and I went and saw a movie that night. that was pretty much it.
Friday was the best day of the break. I was fortunate enough to be invited to make Toffee with Jess and Genevieve. That was pretty exciting. And kind of messy. The results were tasty, or at least the second batch. Then we played Words of Wiz-Dumb. Quite a fun game, even though I didn't do too great. After a lovely afternoon of partying with them, it was off to work.
This kid name Tyler who volunteers at the Quarry, was telling us horror stories from black Friday. He works at Walmart in Springville. He had to break up 10 fist fights, watched a lady pepper spray some guy over an Xbox, and had to help arrest another customer. Sounded pretty awful to me! Though I kind of really want to go next year. Just to watch the chaos and probably cry a little bit because of how greedy people are.
Saturday I didn't really do anything. went to work again. Holly, Ethan, and Kendall dropped in to say hello. It was fun to see them. too bad I was working so we couldn't do anything though.
so yeah. that was my thanksgiving break. oh wait! I also began applying for colleges. It's really no fun at all filling out all those forms.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


And now for the story you've all been waiting for. Drum Roll please. 11/11/11, what a great day! but first let me give a little background story. So Walden decided to throw a Fall Harvest dance party last night. Two weeks ago I was wondering who I should take and if I was even going to go. This monday I decided I would go. But who would I ask? I had a few ladies I was considering. But Tuesday, Dallas told me I should ask Kaitlyn's best friend Maisa. they'd been trying to set me up on a date with her before, but I was always like "yeah but I don't even know her!". Anyways, I looked at Dallas and thought for a minute. He said "After all, She is Brazilian" Which leads to a completely other story which I could probably write a page or two about but won't right now. "When am I supposed to ask her though? I'm busy every day this week. Wait, how bout at lunch?" 30 minutes later, I found myself waltzing in through the doors of Timpanogos high school to ask a girl I had never met before to the dance. Yep, put another check mark on the list of crazy things I've done. She said yes. Skip back to Yesterday. I went to Dallas's house at 5. At 6 we headed over to Kaitlyn's house to pick on the ladies. Truth be told, I was completely nervous on the trip over. Which is strange, Cause I rarely get nervous about anything. In fact, I wasn't even nervous when I asked her to the dance. After waiting for a few minutes, the Ladies came out...and man did they look great! Picture time! then off to dinner at Pier 49. I still have no idea how I didn't choke to death at dinner. It was so funny, we were all cracking jokes and such,I laughed the whole time. Then we ventured up to the dance which was at a barn. The dance was alright. Pretty decent turnout. But it was also kind of boring, so we left early. The 4 of us drove off to Timpanogos highschool to kiss on the T. but Only Kaitlyn and Dallas did. Then we headed to some park. Those two jumped out and ran off kiss some more. Maisa and I stayed in the car just cuddling and talking about all kinds of random getting to know you things. She is quite the crack up. a while later the hooligans returned and we drove off to Walmart. Maisa wanted to get some goldfish. So we ventured around Walmart at midnight. Playing with all kinds of strange toys, holding hands, wreaking havoc, and so forth. She got two goldfish. Cosmo and Wanda, also referred to as Morgan and Maisa. roughly around 1:00 we headed for home. Dallas tucked Kaitlyn in, while Maisa fell asleep on my lap. Then we took her home. Good times! I'm not entirely sure, but I'm pretty sure we planned like two more dates. I made it home at 2:00 a.m. my mom was pretty mad cause apparently she had told me to be home at 12:30...selective hearing, ain't it great? At 4 a.m. I woke up and thought to myself "was that all a dream?! No No No, my dreams are never that good, it must have happened". Anyways, I had a really really great time! Really fun and pretty relaxed evening, and I thoroughly enjoyed Maisa presence. I hope we do something again soon!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Oh What A Day!

Let me give you an example of what my day to day life is like. Today was crazy. But it was only memorable because the last month or so my average day has been less awesome as it typically is. 

Woke up at 6:00. went to Early Morning Seminary, which was pretty much same as usual. But after, I sat down and was about to work on my Senior paper when Koplin walked up the stairs. He also has a free first period. So we walked down the hallway and found Dylan and Morgan J hanging out. Then decided it would be a good idea to go to Magelby's for some breakfast (or second breakfast in my case). Koplin, Morgan and I snuck out of the school, making sure no one would see us and jumped in Koplin's car. Owens came running out at the last second and jumped in too. We went and got us some tasty foodage. Then headed back to the school with our tasty treats. Ate it in the hallway. Then Dallas and Tyler showed up. We had an interesting conversation about things I'm not going to repeat. Then First period ended. I was going to work on my paper now since I don't have a second period either. But decided to visit Algebra 2 instead. It's a really good class. lot's of fun people in there. Took Josh (the teacher) a while to realize I wasn't actually in the class. But I stuck around and helped tutor them children in math. Holly brought a friend (who between you and me, looks kind of like Selena Gomez) she seemed pretty cool. Then after that class, hung around a minute and ran off to Lunch with Karl. We headed to McDonalds. But we needed onion rings! so we then headed to uhhh some place that slips my mind now. Anyways, we saw the saddest man there. He was taking orders and looked pretty depressed. Felt bad for him. They gave me the biggest onion rings I have ever seen! I seriously could have slipped them over my hand and worn them as bracelets. But they were also 3-4 inches in width! pretty good and super greasy. Then it was back to school and off to AP Calculus. Where my mind was destroyed with crazy derivative business. After that class....I have another free period. So I decided to Stalk Annika who was in the hallway. Jairen stalked me stalking her. It was good times. We followed her around everywhere for nearly 20 minutes. Then decided to leave. That's when we saw Holly. So we stalked her and her friend to Spanish class. Luckily she was the TA. and they were working on projects, so we went outside and did/talked about all kinds of nonsense. I ended up wearing her sweater tied around my neck, and some floppy woman's sun hat. Not a bad look for me I must say. Then we went back into the classroom and talked with a few of the other students of which I won't name cause there were too many. The school was out. Walked around for a bit since I can't leave till my younger siblings get out 15 minutes later. Shook Kaitlyn's hand for roughly 8 minutes straight. The ended up be wrapped and tied up in some obscure banner Owens and Jairen found. Then they dragged me around the hallway and left me for dead in the elevator. El Teacher Carl yelled at me for being there, when he saw owens putting me there. Obviously it wasn't my fault cause I was tied up and helpless! but whatever. After escaping, I went home. Walked inside with Holly's sweater around my neck. My mom said "I don't even want to know". Tried to do my math homework. but the website wouldn't work so I signed up to take the ACT instead. It asked me if I wanted to be a lawn mower operator or a Tree repair man (whatever that is!). It was then dinner time. My sister Sierra was sitting there drinking pickle juice just like it was milk or something. Randomly during the middle of dinner, my 2.5 year old cousin who lives up the street walks right in through our front door. And let me tell you, they keep all the doors and everything locked so he can't escape, but somehow he managed to. All in all, it's been a good day in my book. and soon I'm going to head to a Ski movie at UVU and probably experience some more madness.